Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Miscellaneous Pre-Thanksgiving Items

This weekend, the fall baking bug bit hard.

I made Baked Pumpkin French Toast for Sunday morning breakfast.  Yum!

I also found some beautiful ripe pomegranates at the store and couldn't resist getting one.  Mr. One loves pomegranates.  I had to try out this recipe for double dark chocolate pomegranate cookies.  They were even better than the gorgeous pictures showed!  I won't admit to how many I've eaten in the last few days.  I'm eating for two, so a few extra are warranted, right?

A little hint about getting the seeds out of the pomegranate:  After cutting your pomegranate open and into large sections, try pulling them from the peel under water, then you won't spray juice all over yourself and your kitchen (or at least it will minimize the damage).  Trust me on this one.  I have a purple stained white tee and a purple-pink speckled kitchen to prove it before I figured this out...

I also printed, laminated and cut out some of the activities from this Thanksgiving preschool pack for Mr. Two to use.  He and I especially liked the puzzles and the pre-writing trace pages (I laminated them so that he could use a dry erase marker on the pages and wipe them off).

Here are two of the cheapest toys (and by cheap I mean free because they were made from things around the house) I've made to date.  Mr. Three loves both of them almost as much as our cell phones, remote controls and car keys...

The first toy was an idea I took from my sister in law Jenny.  She had made one for her two year old and I loved it.  Clean an empty Parmesan cheese container and grab a handful of pipe cleaners.  If you fold the pipe cleaners in half and twist them around each other, folding the ends in (so your kiddos don't poke their hands), it is the perfect size to fit into the container.  It also makes them sturdier to handle.  Then your child can poke the pipe cleaners into the container through the holes in the lid.  If they struggle to poke them into the small holes in the lid, open the other side with the wide opening and they can put the pipe cleaners in the container this way.  They can also shake the pipe cleaners out by opening the wide side of the lid to play again (or just unscrew the lid...).  

The second toy is just an old wipes container with an oval slot in the lid.  The oval is just the right size to fit the mini playdoh lids through.  I also had some small foam blocks that another sister in law found in the Target dollar spot that fit perfectly as well.  (Thanks Carla!)  Mr. Three loves putting his shapes into the container and dumping them out again.

Don't you just love toys that don't cost a thing?

Hooray for two more activity bag ideas for my toddler.  These are great to throw in my church bag as well.

Now I need to get off the computer so that I can work on Thanksgiving pies and other preparations.  Oh, and maybe actually mop my floor...

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