Friday, July 1, 2011

Pizza Post

At storytime this week with Andrew's previous preschool teacher, we had a pizza day.  Here are two of the fun activities we did there.  If you wanted to do these at home, why not add making your own pizza(s) for lunch or dinner afterward?

Pete's a Pizza by William Steig

My kids loved this book and activity.  As the teacher read the book, which is about a grumpy boy whose father decides to cheer him up by making HIM a pizza (rolling him out, sprinkling him with cheese...), we acted out the story with the kids.  There were so many giggles and squeals of delight!  You could not finish making your kids into a pizza without smiles on faces all around.  So clever, and the author was 90 years old when he wrote it!

This is an adaptation to the "Five Brown Buns" chant, but changed to "Five Slices of Pizza"

Draw five pizza slices on a white board and add your own interesting toppings (shapes, letters, sight words, numbers, etc.).  As you repeat the chant, have your child erase the corresponding pizza slice.

Down around the corner at the pizza shop
Were slices of pizza with interesting things on top
Along came (insert child's name) with some money to pay
and saw the one with (insert chosen topping) on it and took it away.

This story time made me hungry!

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