Friday, December 18, 2009

Mr. Two is Two!

Last week, we celebrated Mr. Two's birthday.  My sweet little baby is a little boy now.  As Mike held him in his arms, sleeping on the eve of his birthday, he said to me, "This is your last chance to kiss him as a baby."  Oh, how bittersweet!  But it's a good thing to see him grow and mature and become more independent.  I love his tiny voice and his articulate little conversations. I love his exclamations of "I did it!" when he accomplishes something on his own.  I love his happy-go-lucky spirit, his hugs and "kisses" (he gives you one of his cheeks to kiss if you ask for a kiss!).  And how can you not love those big hazel eyes, big cheeks and curly blond hair?

On birthdays, you can't help but go back to your child's birth.  To those quiet, helpless, dependent newborn days.  To remember the chubby cheeks and toothless smiles.  The wide eyes and wrinkly newborn skin.  Those days loom close on the horizon again for our little house, but I can still feel nostalgic for the past.

Mr. Two's birthday fell in the middle of the week, so we had a simple celebration during his big day. Then, on Sunday, we had his cake and birthday dinner.

We awoke to birthday signs in his room and on his door, then Cody Pancakes with extra syrup.

We ate mac and cheese for lunch (his favorite).

He received many Happy Birthday phone calls from family near and far and loved talking to each one of them.

Mesa Arizona Temple Christmas Reflection by Richard Webb

We met up with my family at the Mesa Arizona Temple to listen to the Mesa High School choir sing (my mom is the accompanist) and look at the beautiful Christmas lights.

After the temple, we drove home and invited the family in for cinnamon rolls, hot chocolate and present opening.

He loved opening his gifts and each one recieved an enthusiastic exclamation of thanks.  He is really into animals (especially farms), so many of his gifts revolved around that concept.

Mr. One was more than willing to help him open his gifts and to help him play with them afterwards.  (He even woke up at the crack of dawn to play with his little brother's toys before the birthday boy woke up and he had to go to school.)

The next day, he got a package in the mail from Grandma and Grandpa in California.  My kiddos love getting mail, and Mr. Two was very excited to get something from his grandparents.



On Sunday, we had a cheeseball and crackers and french fries for the birthday boy.  The rest of the family had roast and potatoes (those of you who know me know I didn't eat the roast).  After dinner, we had birthday cake and sang one more time.  I found the pattern for this barn cake and animals on Betty Crocker's website.  Aren't the little animals adorable?

Happy Birthday Ben-Boy, we love you!


  1. That 2nd birthday always kills me too. What a handsome little boy!

    (The cake and cupcakes, by the way, are adorable!)

  2. Happy birthday to Mr Two. It sounds like those newborn days will return very soon again. Those sweet animals look awesome!

  3. The cake and cupcakes are super cute, nice job Diana. I see your mom helping him blow out the candle. Can't believe he is already two. Time flys on wings of lightening.
