Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Salt Art and Other Summer Activities

A few highlights from our first full week of summer:

*We tried out some salt painting, the kids loved it so much they painted several pictures.  Just draw with glue, cover in salt and gently touch picture with water colors, or colored water.  They loved watching the color spread.

Just look at those concentrating faces.

Love Mr. Two's elf and spider web.

Mr. One couldn't resist painting Jabba the Hutt.  (There's our Star Wars reference of the day.)

*The little Mr.'s enjoyed playing in the water table outside, which turned into the mud table very quickly.  This is a favorite activity.

*The boys ate lots of Otter Pops and snacks.

*I had the older boys scrub the dining room chairs (they look so much better).  I am getting better at having them do more work around the house.

* Mike and I finally decided on colors and bought paint for the house interior.  That is going to be a huge project...

* As a "fun activity" for "working hard" in the morning, doing a marathon errand run, I let the boys play on the computer at my parents' house for way too long.

* We went to first summer movie, Mirror Mirror, and I almost got to watch the whole thing. Mr. Four slept through the first half, had enough snacks to keep him happy during the next quarter, then had to walk up and down the isles during the last quarter.  Thank goodness I had Mom there to help!

* We headed out to California for a long weekend of fun with family (more on that later).

* Endured the "I'm bored, Mom!" whine too many times to count, and threatened to send all toys, books, etc. to DI and give lots of extra chores.  Whining suddenly ceased. ;)

Looking forward to lots more summer fun!


  1. I remember my Mom threatening with extra chores. :) Works every time. Did you like the movie? Is it worth seeing in the theater? I'd love to see the new paint colors!

    1. I liked the movie, very Bollywood-esque. I think I probably liked it more than the kids, though they said they liked it too. It's worth Red Box-ing. I will post pics when we paint.
